
Fast Wage and Tax Facts

For the most current information and additional states, visit us at: www.ADP.com/Fast

Federal Tax Facts

Minimum Wage

Effective 7/24/09

  • Minimum Wage
  • Minimum Cash Wage (Tipped Employee)
  • Maximum Tip Credit
  • Youth Minimum Wage

FICA (Medicare)

  • Maximum Taxable Earnings
    No Limit
  • Employee / Employer Tax Rate (Unchanged from 2023)
  • Additional Medicare Tax Withholding on Wages > $200,000 (No Employer Match)

FICA (Social Security)

  • Maximum Taxable Earnings (Increased from $160,200 in 2023)
  • Employee / Employer Tax Rate (Unchanged from 2023)

FUTA (Employer-Paid)

  • Maximum Taxable Earnings
  • Percent of Taxable Wages
  • Maximum Credit
  • Normal Net Tax

Supplemental Wage / Bonus Rates

  • Flat Rate Withholding Method (Unchanged from 2023)
  • Pay over $1 Million (Unchanged from 2023)

Health Savings Accounts

  • Self-Only Contribution Limit (Employee / Employer)(Increased from $3,850 in 2023)
  • Family Contribution Limit (Employee / Employer)(Increased from $7,750 in 2023)
  • Catch-up Contribution Limit (Employee / Employer)(Unchanged from 2023)

Pension Plans

  • Contribution Limit - 401(k) & 403(b) plans (Increased from $22,500 in 2023)
  • Catch-up Contribution Limit - 401(k) & 403(b) plans (age 50 or older) (Unchanged from $7,500 in 2023)

Alabama State Tax Facts

Alabama Minimum Wage - Minimum Wage

Effective 7/24/09

  • Minimum Wage
  • Minimum Cash Wage (Tipped Employee)
  • Maximum Tip Credit
  • Youth Minimum Wage

Alabama State Income Tax

  • Wage Withholding
  • Supplemental Wage / Bonus Rate

Alabama Unemployment Insurance

  • Maximum 2024 Taxable Earnings (Unchanged from 2023)
  • Employee 2024 Deduction
  • Employer 2024 Tax Rates (Plus 0.06% employment security assessment)
    0.20 - 5.4%
  • Standard 2024 New Employer Rate
  • Voluntary Contribution Permitted

*STATE: No state minimum wage law. Federal minimum wage requirements apply.

Local Income Taxes Imposed: Yes

FAST WAGE AND TAX FACTS is distributed with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal, accounting, tax or other professional services. If legal advice or other assistance is required, an attorney, CPA or tax adviser should be consulted. Minimum wage rates may vary by industry and may be superseded by Federal minimum wage rules. Contact the proper agency to verify.

For information about cost-effective solutions from ADP, please visit us at www.adp.com, contact your local ADP representative or call 1-800-225-5237.

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