By utilizing the Performance and Compensation Management modules available within the ADP Workforce Now® Talent Management system, you can create structured performance reviews and strategic compensation planning for managers and employees.
The ADP Compensation Management module is, by far, the biggest time saver that we have implemented. Our previous process literally took weeks to roll out and complete. Now, we can accomplish it in about day. That is so much time saved. The compensation module has been a life changer.

Theresa Allen,
Payroll Specialist/HR Administrator
Home Federal Savings Bank
The ADP Performance and Compensation Management modules help to eliminate the stress of getting things done and helps us focus more strategic initiatives so we can have fun doing other things that add more value for our managers and employees.

Anna Maria Miller,
Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resource Officer
Bank of Princeton
With ADP Performance Management, I’d estimate at least 20 percent of our time has been saved by no longer managing the awful performance evaluation process that we had in place previously.

Michele Perry,
Director of Human Resources
American Assets Trust
- Manual and time-consuming processes regarding performance reviews and compensation planning
How ADP helped
- ADP’s Performance and Compensation Management modules helped reduce paperwork and added value by saving time better used to focus more strategic initiatives.
Before ADP®, manual and time consuming
Theresa: Before we started utilizing ADP’s Performance and Compensation Management modules, we were inundated with a lot of spreadsheets — and other paperwork — trying to manage all aspects of those initiatives. In particular, the compensation component was an absolute nightmare.
Anna Maria: All that paperwork was angst producing because we wanted nothing more than to make sure that we were doing everything correctly. For our managers, we’d rather have them out front leading, setting goals for their staff and helping to ensure they have the resources in place to get them to where they want to be — not dealing with unwanted paperwork.
Michele: In the past, our performance evaluation process started with notification emails to managers informing them they can expect the forms in another email and it’s safe to open the attachment. To help the managers, we would prepare the evaluation forms by filling out the name and title of each employee on a piece of paper. With hundreds of employees, that process could take months.
Saving time while adding value
Theresa: I love ADP Performance Management. The headaches of working with spreadsheets to track outstanding performance reviews is gone. Within the module, I have complete visibility to any reviews that have not been completed, so I don’t have to manually keep track of anything — it is delightful. ADP Performance Management is a time saver, it has literally cut my time in half.
Anna Maria: The ADP Performance and Compensation Management modules are brilliant because they are intuitive and they have removed the angst of managing these functions, particularly for our managers. Once we started utilizing the performance module, we were able to indicate what our parameters are which helps the managers delineate where their teams stand and identify their top performers. The ADP Performance and Compensation Management modules help to eliminate the stress of getting things done and helps us focus on more strategic initiatives so we can have fun doing other things that add more value for our managers and employees.
Michele: I love ADP’s Performance Management because it has really simplified the process. In comparison to what we did previously, it’s like utopia. Our performance evaluations are set up in the system and the managers can go in and take it from there — simple. It’s taken a huge burden off HR. With ADP Performance Management, I’d estimate at least 20 percent of our time has been saved by no longer managing the awful performance evaluation process that we had in place previously. That time saved has allowed us to put more focus on our wellness program, allowing us to reach employees on a more individual basis versus a departmental basis, to partner with each one of them for their success. That’s time well spent!
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