Build your small business banking clientele
More than 60 financial institutions of all sizes work with ADP® to help them grow their customer base. So, whether you’re a national lender or a local bank, we have the proven expertise to help you:
Attract new
Retain existing
Enhance product
Bridge the gap in your product suite
Your small business customers look to you for advice on lending, checking and savings accounts, and merchant services. But where do you send them when they need help managing their people? If you don’t have a way to satisfy your clients’ payroll and human resources inquiries, you could be missing an opportunity to grow your profits.
ADP partnered with Barlow Research to explore the potential value of businesses that outsource payroll versus those that don’t. Here’s what we found:
Payroll users
will interact with their primary bank 7 more times per month* than non-payroll users
Where they are engaging...
- Mobile banking
- Online banking and .com website
13 vs 8
Payroll users
will leverage nearly double the financial products** that non-payroll users do
In fact...
Among clients adding a new financial institution, 1 in 5 are doing so for products that are not being made readily available to them today.
Payroll users
will drive 88% more revenue
back to the bank*** than
non-payroll users
Because they...
- Have higher deposit and loan balances
- Are more likely to use short-term investments and both short- and long-term loans
- Pay more in annual bank fees
ADP’s payroll and HR solutions deliver the simplicity and depth sought by small businesses
Quick, easy and intuitive to use
Small business owners can process payroll from anywhere in minutes and get instant access to online reports.
Complete flexibility
From payroll to recruiting, customers can choose the level of support they need. Our payroll software is also compatible with accounting, point of sale, HR and timekeeping programs.
Comprehensive payroll tax and HR expertise
Certified payroll experts and automatic updates covering all 50 states help clients stay ahead of the latest tax laws and regulations.
Meaningful employee retention perks
Flexible pay options, employee assistance services, consumer discount programs and convenient digital tools help keep workers satisfied and productive.
A reciprocal partnership that works the way you do
While you introduce us to clients who are interested in payroll or HR services, we’ll refer customers who may need banking products. What’s more, we can bring tools, resources and business back to your branches however it best suits you:
Meet with field
Talk to an inside
sales team
Buy it yourself
*Barlow Research rolling 4 quarter data (1Q23-4Q23) for companies $100K-<$10MM in sales.
**Used at any institution.
***Respondents were not specifically asked about government assistance program loans.