40 Dreams Catering: Saving Money Without Sacrificing Service

ADP's services allow small business owners to spend time on marketing and get more business without dedicating too much time to doing payroll.
As a firm believer in the notion that "food builds relationships," Adrienne Fudge, owner and chef at 40 Dreams Catering, considers preparing and delivering weekly meals to New Jersey senior citizens and disabled adults an absolute labor of love. Discovering that ADP® could help her with HR tasks, such as background checks — in addition to payroll and taxes — was icing on the cake!
Here is Fudge's story, in her own words:
Saving Money Without Sacrificing Personal Service
I knew about ADP, but I assumed that they'd be more expensive because they're ADP, and they've been around for so long. The pricing is definitely better than my former payroll company, and the service is of a much higher quality with better support offerings.
When I call the ADP 800 number with a question, the representatives are able to give me answers, and they often make helpful suggestions that further guide me after the fact. That doesn't happen with every service — I don't always know what I don't know.
ADP's services allow small business owners to spend time on marketing and get more business without dedicating too much time to doing payroll. Often small business owners will say, "If I just do it myself, I don't have to pay anyone else." But time is money, and with ADP I believe I save a considerable amount of both resources.
ADP Is Not Just Payroll
Before doing business with ADP, I didn't know about all the services they offer. As a small business owner, you wear so many hats and sometimes don't pay attention to all the programs in the market that can benefit your business. When I mentioned to an ADP representative that I needed to do background checks on my drivers, he told me, "We can definitely take care of that for you and more!"
When I found out I could do things like get my background checks done and develop HR tools like an employee handbook and job descriptions through ADP, I realized that the organization could be a primary resource for so many of my business needs. Now, if I'm in the market for a business solution, I would go to ADP first!
Company Vitals
- Name: 40 Dreams Catering
- Industry: Food Preparation
- Established: 2008
- Owner: Adrienne Fudge
- Employees: 7
- Locations: One
- Headquarters: Maplewood, New Jersey
- Website: 40dreams.com
- Business Challenge: Trying to grow a business, while making sure payroll and taxes were handled properly
- How ADP Helped: RUN Powered by ADP® provided affordable payroll and tax solutions with added HR tools and resources.