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Political Contributions Policy

See also:
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics
ADP Anti-Bribery Policy
Code of Ethics for Principal Executive Officer and Senior Financial Officers
Insider Trading Policy
Reporting an Ethical Concern

In accordance with the policy on political contributions contained in ADP's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which was developed at the direction of ADP's Board of Directors, ADP does not use any corporate funds or assets to make political contributions or independent expenditures on behalf of candidates or parties.

On an annual basis, each ADP executive is required to acknowledge that he or she has read, understands, and has abided by ADP's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which includes the political contributions policy described below.

As part of ADP's political contributions policy:

  • No funds or other assets of ADP may be used to make a contribution to:
    • any federal, state, or local political party or candidate for elected office;
    • any 527 group such as a governors association, a political action committee ("PAC"), or an independent-expenditure-only committee;
    • any "social welfare" or 501(c)(4) organization to be used for political contributions or independent expenditures; or
    • any trade association or 501(c)(6) organization to be used for political contributions or independent expenditures.
  • ADP's policy prohibits corporate political contributions of all forms, including: in-kind contributions such as the purchase of tickets to fund-raising events; donations of products or services; work performed by associates during paid working hours; and the free use of ADP facilities by any political candidate or committee.
  • No funds or other assets of ADP may be used to make any independent expenditure in support of, or in opposition to, any political party or candidate.
  • ADP seeks to avoid any indirect political expenditure by seeking written confirmation annually from each U.S. trade association to which ADP has paid dues or made other payments in excess of $25,000, that the trade association has not used any portion of ADP payments to make a political contribution or independent expenditure on behalf of any political party or candidate.
  • ADP does not make any contributions to committees or independent expenditures in support of or opposition to ballot measures or referenda. We will disclose on our corporate website if our position against making such contributions or expenditures related to ballot measures or referenda changes at any time, and any such contributions or expenditures would then be disclosed at least annually on the company’s website.

Our Commitment to Social Responsibility – Board Oversight

ADP strives to positively impact the world and its people through corporate-sponsored philanthropic initiatives such as the ADP Foundation, and by encouraging and supporting our associates’ desire to engage in national and local philanthropic and volunteer activities around the world. The Nominating / Corporate Governance Committee of our Board of Directors oversees policies and programs on issues of corporate citizenship, such as environmental sustainability, philanthropic and political activities, and any related expenditures.

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