Login & Support:
ADP CPE Center
Our comprehensive catalog features hundreds of innovative courses from subject matter experts designed to meet nationally recognized standards for continuing professional education (CPE) requirements. With new courses each month, our dynamic library keeps you up to date on ever-evolving rules, regulations and business trends.
Help & Support
Getting Started
Not applicable.
Employee Registration
Not applicable.
Administrator Registration
On the Create New Account page, complete the required information, and then click Create.
Forgot User ID
Accountants needing customer support can call (800) 344-3734 or go to https://www.cchcpelink.com/adp for further assistance.
What To Do if You Are Locked Out
Accountants needing customer support can call (800) 344-3734 or go to https://www.cchcpelink.com/adp for further assistance.
Technical Requirements
Browser requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9; Mozilla Firefox 4 or higher; Google Chrome
Accept Cookies
Security Settings
Javascript must be enabled; Ports 80, 443, or 1935 must be open on your network to receive streaming Flash video
Popup Blockers
Additional Support
Contact Information
Accountants needing customer support can call (800) 344-3734 or go to https://www.cchcpelink.com/adp for further assistance.
Additional Support Information (Important to Login Process)
Adobe Flash Player 9 or higher, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Windows Media Player 7 or higher must be installed.
User Login Help & Support
Not sure where to log in? Please contact your payroll or HR administrator for help.
Having trouble logging in? Please Visit our Employee Support page.
For more help, please visit our Support for Client Administrators page.