Most employers don’t have the bandwidth to spend valuable hours on time-consuming, administrative HR and payroll tasks. Nor do they have the expertise to keep pace with rapidly changing legislation impacting their organization and employees.

Consequently, many employers partner with a third-party, managed services vendor whose core business is HR and payroll. This partnership lifts a huge burden off their shoulders and allows them to focus their attention on strategic and impactful initiatives.

If your organization already has an HR department, managed services can offer targeted administrative support, expertise and guidance to your team. If you do not have internal resources, you can outsource HR to a managed services provider, who will act as an extension of your business.

Whether you want to stay more involved in your company’s HR and payroll administration or prefer to be more hands-off, we can help you choose the managed services solution that offers the support you need.

Checklist: Identifying your managed services needs

Questions to ask a potential managed services provider

ADP Editorial Team

ADP Editorial Team The ADP editorial team is comprised of human resource professionals with extensive experience solving complex HR challenges for businesses of all sizes.