Enterprise-level organizations commonly use an HCM RFP, or human capital management request for proposal, to find a vendor that best suits their specific needs. This is a daunting task, but one that can be simplified by asking each potential provider the right questions. For instance, your HCM RFP might want answers to the following:

  • What are your long-term development plans to enhance your solution?
  • How does your solution enhance the employee experience and improve employee engagement?
  • How can your solution accommodate the changing workforce and allow us to meet the rise of temporary and contract-based employees?
  • How will your solution’s security functions keep our data and users safe?
  • How can your solution help us reduce cost and increase efficiency?

Developing a well-researched and comprehensive HCM RFP might take a significant amount of work now, but it can save you considerable time later when you’re trying to choose between vendors. Give your organization the best chance to make an informed decision by downloading our full list of HCM RFP Questions You Need to Ask.