Calculators and tools

ADP offers a set of helpful calculators and tools to engage your workforce and help them with important financial decisions.

Payroll calculators

Payroll calculator tools to help with personal salary, retirement, and investment calculations.

  • Salary Paycheck Calculator
    How much are your wages after taxes? This powerful tool does all the gross-to-net calculations to estimate take-home (net) pay in any part of the United States.
  • Hourly Paycheck Calculator
    Enter up to six different hourly rates to estimate after-tax wages for hourly employees.
  • Gross Pay Calculator
    Plug in the amount of money you'd like to take home each pay period and this calculator will tell you what your before-tax earnings need to be.

Paycard savings calculator

Calculator to determine cost savings realized from a paycard program.

Health & benefits calculators

Inform your decisions, explore your options and find ways to get the most out of your insurance investments.

  • Premium Only Plan (POP) Tax Savings Calculator
    Estimate how much you and your employees could save by using a POP (also known as a section 125 cafeteria plan) to pay group health premiums using pre-taxed dollars.
  • ACA Penalty Estimator
    Affordable Care Act (ACA) penalties can be significant and may be triggered by several actions or inactions on employers’ part. Be proactive in reviewing your potential ACA penalties and download a report on how to manage your risk.

Retirement calculators and tools

Inform your decisions, explore your options and find ways to get the most from your 401(k)

  • SECURE 2.0 Act Tax Credit Calculator
    Offering a 401(k) plan is more affordable for small businesses than ever, thanks to new tax credits introduced by the SECURE 2.0 Act. See the potential savings your small business might be missing out on.
  • 401(k) Contribution Calculator
    Contributing to your workplace 401(k) is one of the best investment decisions you can make. You’ll be taking advantage of dollar-cost averaging, tax-deferred growth, and a possible company match. See what happens when you increase your contributions.
  • Roth vs. Traditional IRA Calculator
    Compare retirement savings over time between a Roth IRA (individual retirement account in which withdrawals in retirement are generally tax-free) and a traditional IRA (in which withdrawals in retirement are generally taxable).
  • Retirement Savings Calculator
    Learn how long your retirement savings will last, based on your savings and inflation-adjusted withdrawals.
  • Retirement Nest-egg Calculator
    How much should you save toward your retirement nest-egg every month? Use this calculator to determine how much to save every month to reach your retirement nest-egg goals.
  • Retirement Income Calculator
    How much can you expect in monthly income when you retire? Use this calculator to estimate the income you'll have every month during retirement based on your contributions, rate of return and inflation.
  • Personal Investor Profile
    Download this questionnaire which helps to determine your investor profile. Questions about lifestyle, personality, risk tolerance, when you want to retire, and other financial considerations are helpful in charting a plan and making decisions.

Payroll calculators by state