Keeping up with the constantly evolving world of payroll can be a daunting task for even the largest of accounting firms, let alone a small public practice like Andrews & Company. “Payroll is not a smooth thing, it’s forever changing. The rates change, the numbers change, the forms change. It becomes an entire HR nightmare” according to owner Lewis Andrews. By selling his payroll client base to ADP®, Lewis was able to smoothly transition his clients to our industry-leading platform, RUN Powered by ADP®, while freeing up enough of his own time to focus more on his larger clients and training his employees.
If I was going to transfer the payroll practice to anyone, it was going to be ADP because they were the people that I trusted the most. ADP made it so I could go on to do the things I wanted to do, and increase my growth 40% in just this past year.”

Lewis Andrews,
Andrews & Company