Avi Aesthetics is a medical spa located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Offering a multitude of services, such as dermaplaning, micro-peels, hydra-facials, microdermabrasion and more, Avi Aesthetics’ focus is entirely results-driven and meant to get your skin looking and feeling its best. Lori Voci-Sohm, the owner and main aesthetician, spent 20 years in the medical spa world before starting Avi Aesthetics two years ago, but it wasn't until recently that she started looking for a payroll solution to help with her business.
They showed me everything, and we were able to run my first payroll that very same day, it’s super easy!

Lori Voci-Sohm,
Avi Aesthetics
- Transitioning from an LLC to an S Corporation proved to be a complex process
- Without access to the proper legal and compliance resources made the transition even more difficult
How ADP Helped
- By partnering with RUN Powered by ADP (RUN), Lori was able to work with experts who not only helped her determine the right documentation needed to set up her S Corporation but also helped her file everything and implement an easy-to-use payroll and tax process. Her payroll was set up and run that very day!
ADP Solutions
- RUN Powered by ADP®
Getting started on a payroll platform
When Lori first opened her business, she did so as an LLC. But when she started working with a new accountant, they suggested she transition her business to an S Corporation so that she could pay herself and keep up with taxes through payroll. Lori also needed a provider who was familiar with cross-state regulations since she lives in South Carolina, but her business is in North Carolina. When she initiated the setup with Paychex, the process was anything but smooth. “It was like pulling teeth to get them to tell me what I needed to get my S Corp set up,” says Lori. Weeks passed with no progress and no one at Paychex seemed to be able to help.