Since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), large employers have faced the challenge of understanding and complying with complex regulations while aligning and aggregating critical data from up to six different HCM systems. At ADP, we understand that a key component of ACA compliance is identifying data irregularities throughout the year and not just at year-end, especially since IRS penalties are assessed monthly by FEIN, and several states have also implemented reporting requirements and penalties. Let ADP help you to holistically address your ACA strategy with intelligent technology, trusted expertise, streamlined review and approval processes and leveraging industry leading insights.

Health Compliance Overview


  • Challenge of understanding and complying with complex regulations while aligning and aggregating critical data from up to six different HCM systems.

How ADP helped

  • ADP Health Compliance can holistically address your ACA strategy with intelligent technology, trusted expertise, streamlined review and approval processes and leveraging industry leading insights.

ADP solution

  • ADP SmartCompliance® Health Compliance