Employee relationships in the restaurant industry can be tenuous. Since Thrive Restaurant Group has 172 restaurants across 15 states — including about 140 Applebee’s restaurants — their HR department had little visibility into their employee culture. As a company with people-first values, Thrive was hitting a wall with employee experience.

Now that we have report it®, our employees have a safe place to voice their concerns and having visibility into those concerns gives us the chance to retain those employees.

Renee Chaloupka, Director of People Experience
Thrive Restaurant Group


  • Employees had barriers to reporting and discussing problems and concerns at work.

How ADP Helped

  • The Marketplace partnership with report it® gave employees a forum to talk about their problems so management would have a chance to retain them before they decided to leave.

How ADP Helped

  • ADP product: ADP Workforce Now®,
  • ADP Marketplace

Sixty-second problems only

Before we partnered with report it®, employees had to call our 1-800 phone number to report an issue. But the voicemail had a 60-second recording limit, so people would have to call back eight times to tell their story. You can imagine how much of a barrier that was … When I stumbled upon report it on the ADP Marketplace, I knew it was the solution we needed. We’ve had great support from report it and their leadership team since implementation. They have helped us through a lot of changes and customization.

Giving employees a voice

Now that we have report it, our employees have a safe place to voice their concerns, and our HR staff can get involved before things escalate. Most employees don’t talk about their experiences or concerns because they fear losing their job or being treated differently. Instead of talking about it, they leave, and that turnover affects everyone … it’s so unhealthy for the organization.

Most restaurants have a turnover rate of 150 percent. Ours are between 80-120 percent and that’s super special for the restaurant industry. report it allows us to make people feel seen and heard and we would never have found it without our partnership with ADP and ADP Marketplace. Having visibility into the employee culture has been a game changer for us.