ADP and TempWorks Software Offer the ALINE Card to Clients with Temporary Employees and Help Solve Their Payroll Dilemma

This is a unique paycard integration where the staffing company can select the funding account through which an employee's card is funded.
Imagine you're a business that frequently uses temporary employees. Think about the processes you go through to onboard a permanent employee — and then magnify it exponentially.
Well, ADP® and TempWorks SoftwareTM have helped solve that problem thanks to the integration of the ALINE Card by ADP® with TempWorks' back-office software. This integration gives employers a speedy, efficient, automated way to pay temporary staff who want to receive their wages on a paycard. In addition, once employees activate the ALINE Card, they can shop and pay bills in stores, by phone, online and in-apps, and also get cash at banks and ATMs. They also can use the ALINE Card to pay securely with a single touch using Apple Pay®.*
"We are excited to offer this new integration for our clients to help facilitate payment for employees," says David Dourgarian, CEO at TempWorks Software. "At TempWorks, we constantly seek new opportunities to automate back office processes to help our clients increase efficiency. The ALINE Card integration will allow clients to offer their workforce a quick, reliable and automated payroll card program."
ADP understands that frequently hiring and onboarding employees in the staffing industry can magnify the challenges most businesses have with offering employees a paycard option. That's why ADP is proud to offer this capability with TempWorks for their mutual clients.
ALINE Card integration with TempWorks Software enables workers to enroll in the paycard program directly through TempWorks' Enterprise Infinity© software.** There is no need to log into a separate system, and existing data, such as the employees name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number, automatically populates the card enrollment program. There is also virtually no lag time between enrollment and confirming that the paycard has been approved and issued.
Employers also can select which business location issues the ALINE Card. This is particularly important for staffing companies that deal with multiple branch locations.
This is a unique paycard integration where the staffing company can select the funding account through which an employee's card is funded.** This capability allows TempWorks clients to have multiple funding sources. In addition, clients can choose to fund all paycards at once or be selective about which ones they want to fund at what times.
To learn more about paycard wage payment options visit this webpage.