A New Milestone in Mobile

The ADP mobile app surpasses 20 million registered users as the mobile-first movement arrives in the workplace.
Today's culture is mobile-first as people increasingly manage their lives from a smartphone. As the goalposts have moved for consumer-grade apps, so too have expectations of mobile human capital management. That's why, as companies navigate their digital transformations, it is essential to offer a mobile experience that is on par with the workforce's favorite consumer applications. No one wants to slog through a clunky mobile UI just to complete a meaningless task; society wants to be truly productive with smartphones, so people are empowered to do real, meaningful work no matter where they are.
Today, the ADP Mobile Solutions App has surpassed 20 million registered users. The app is now available in 27 languages, has been accessed in 90 percent of countries around the world and is downloaded an average of over 29,000 times each day. The next stage of mobile HCM has arrived, and ADP is proud to play a key role in this evolution – just as it has been at the forefront of every defining moment in HCM technology for decades.
The design team homed in on a user experience that is simply a delight to use for employers and employees alike. With special attention to details inspired by research on real people in real-world work situations, the app's mobile experience is rooted in a people-centric design that puts humans first.
In 2019, a mobile app is not breaking news. But an app that provides a better way to work in a smooth, clean package? That's worthy of a headline.
For more information, visit adp.com/gomobile.