
[VIDEO] Gen Z at Work: Hiring Trends for Recent Graduates

photo showing backs of graduates lined up for ceremony

Generation Z may become the most educated workers based on graduation rates. As millions cross the stage and enter the workforce — how will the needs and expectations of the newest graduates affect the world of work?

In this Workforce News Minute, Amy Leschke-Kahle, VP Performance Acceleration, The Marcus Buckingham Company, an ADP company, shares how employers can enable success with the new generation of workers.

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I would say from an organizational, from an HR, from a company perspective, as we're looking at bringing new graduates into the world of work … we need to be really careful not to assume that what we're reading in the headlines in the surveys is necessarily true for all of the folks that we might be bringing new into the workforce.

A lot of what new graduates are looking for, what Gen Z-ers are looking for, quite frankly, with returning entrants into the workforce are looking for is agency. It's trust. It's the ability to contribute to the organizational goals and outcomes.

So, when we think about new graduates coming into the workforce, they want essentially what the rest of us want. They want to make a contribution. They want to be seen for the best of themselves. They want to be seen as super smart grownups, which of course they are.

We need to think about that much more so than looking at some survey that may be universally true, but may not be true for our own organizations.

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