case study

Powerful recruiting and talent acquisition strategies

The Hershey Company, knows that heartwarming change — in the community or in the world — begins with its employees. Since hiring and retaining top talent is key to that mission, Hershey turned to ADP® to help with its global recruiting and talent acquisition goals.

Our ADP team has put forth extra effort to look holistically at the candidate experience and ensure the candidates are informed and aware of next steps. We have armed the team with information and learnings about our business so they can represent us well with the potential hires. Our ADP team understands how important it is to Hershey that they represent our brand and should be treated as well as our customers.”

Scott Herpolsheimer

Colleen Truitt, Director of Talent Acquisition
The Hershey Company

Challenge The Hershey Company faced:

  • Needed a robust way to handle and efficiently use recruitment data to attract top talent and also provide a quality candidate experience in alignment with their brand.

How ADP helped:

  • ADP Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) helped the Hershey Company cut down on the number of vendors they were using, reduce their cost per hire and provide a quality experience for their candidates.

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RPO Provider Buyer’s Guide


Choosing the right RPO provider for your business

RPO allows for scalability of your recruiting team and resources as talent requisitions fluctuate. Learn more about how to evaluate RPO providers.
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analyst report

NelsonHall Recruitment Process Outsourcing 2019 Report