As the owner of Truss Edge, a company that designs software for hedge funds and other traders, Jay Duffy is no stranger to technology. But when his trusted payroll provider was sold to a larger company, he found the web interface baffling and was frustrated by the lack of knowledgeable support. Things improved when an ADP representative came calling.
Whenever I call, I get somebody on the phone who knows what they’re doing. They take care of me. I don’t have time to worry about whether I’m paying federal, state or local taxes. That’s a waste of my time. And ADP does a really good job [with that].

Jay Duffy,
Truss Edge
Business Challenge:
- The company’s local payroll service provider was sold to Paychex, causing a steep decline in customer service and efficiency.
How ADP helped:
- RUN Powered by ADP® offers an intuitive, easy-to-use payroll portal and 24-hour customer service staffed by well-trained subject matter experts.