Nugent Sand Company is a private, family-owned and operated sand and gravel supplier with headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. The company values its employees as its greatest asset and emphasizes their safety in all daily activities. Read how the company saved time and money by switching to ADP.

Before using ADP, Nugent Sand Company used Paylogic. All of our employees' time sheets were handwritten and with all the locations and pay/cost codes, there were over 12,000 pieces of information. Not only was the volume challenging to process, but I also needed to spend time deciphering everything because not every employees’ handwriting was legible.

ADP is a better fit for Nugent Sand Company. Now, employees use a drop-down menu based on their location and job classification. This saves me so much time and money since I no longer have to figure out how to get time sheets over to the main office and I can log on and see any of the information that may be needed.

Beth Preher, HR/Payroll Director
Nugent Sand Company


  • Collecting hand-written timesheets with over 12,000 pieces of information was incredibly time consuming

How ADP helped

  • Supported the company’s move to paperless pay statements and digital time collection