Data security client resources

At ADP, safeguarding our clients’ data has been and always will be central to everything we do. The following resources provide an in-depth look at our security services and how we can help protect your business from ever-changing threats.

For more insight, contact your ADP business representative to obtain a copy of our robust trust package. It includes a collection of our brochures and executive summaries, an overview of our SOC reporting and ISO certifications, and our customized, industry standard questionnaire responses.

Security @ ADP

Security @ ADP

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Privacy @ ADP

Download resource
Protecting Your Personal Data Globally

Protecting Your Personal Data Globally

Download resource
ADP Global Third-Party Risk Management Program

ADP Global Third-Party Risk Management Program

Download resource 
ADP Business Resiliency Program

ADP Business Resiliency Program

Download resource 

ADP security measures

We strive to ensure that our security program effectively and efficiently protects all the information entrusted to us by our clients and their employees. Download an overview of our security measures and practices.

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