Login & Support:
VirtualEdge Recruitment Services
ADP VirtualEdge streamlines your entire talent acquisition workflow with an integrated solution. By connecting processes and reducing inefficiencies, ADP lets your human resources staff focus on attracting, engaging, screening, deploying, and retaining top talent.
Employee Login Administrator Login
Register as New User Forgot User ID Forgot Password
Help & Support
Getting Started
To use this application, your company must be a client of ADP. Please obtain your self-service registration code from your company administrator. Your registration code will enable you to register.
Employee Registration
Select First Time Users Register Here to start the registration process. Follow the steps to enter your registration code, verify your identity, get your User ID and password, select your security questions, enter your contact information, and enter your activation code. You will then have the ability to review your information and complete the registration process.
Administrator Registration
Select First Time Users Register Here to start the registration process. Follow the steps to enter your registration code, verify your identity, get your User ID and password, select your security questions, enter your contact information, and enter your activation code. You will then have the ability to review your information and complete the registration process.
Problems Logging In
If you are having trouble logging in to the ADP Portal, try the following:
- Check the spelling and spacing of your password. (Passwords are case sensitive.);
- Close all active Internet browsers and try logging on again;
- Clear your browser history/cache and try again. During your next log on attempt, you will be required to identify yourself, i.e., you will be required to receive an activation code, enter the activation code, and answer your security questions.
Note: After three unsuccessful attempts, your account will be locked. Contact your company administrator to reissue access
Forgot Password
Select Forgot Your Password? and follow the instructions to answer a series of security questions to change your password. Then, use your user ID and new password to log in to the application.
Forgot User ID
Select Forgot Your User ID? and follow the instructions to answer a series of security questions. Then, your user ID will be displayed and you can log in to the application.
What To Do if You Are Locked Out
If you exceed the number of login attempts, please contact your company administrator for assistance.
Technical Requirements
Browser requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer; Mozilla Firefox; Apple Safari
Accept Cookies
Security Settings
To designate your browser security settings to secure your personal information, please visit https://portal.adp.com, and then select Need Help Getting Started? > Designate Your Internet Browser Settings.
Popup Blockers
Additional Support
Contact Information
Contact your company administrator for further assistance.
Additional Support Information (Important to Login Process)
For more information, please visit: https://portal.adp.com, and then select Need Help Getting Started?
User Login Help & Support
Not sure where to log in? Please contact your payroll or HR administrator for help.
Having trouble logging in? Please Visit our Employee Support page.
For more help, please visit our Support for Client Administrators page.